Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Day 8: Friday

Technical Writing

I can...
Comprehend Chapter 2 of WorkPlace Communications
Identify 7 types of business letters
Delineate 7 types of business letters from the company KanEquip
Find examples of my own business letters for my business.


Read and comprehend KanEquip business letters
Complete your letterhead/logo
Try to find 7 business letters online that you can use to build your own.
If finished, begin writing your own letters.

English 4

OPEN Jim Hawkins vs Israel Hands

I can...
Discern the worldview of fictional characters
I can evaluate the believability of a character's motivation and actions
I can plan and develop an argument explaining how characters should/couldn't act

Complete the Jim vs Israel note sheet
Write a rough draft answering the prompt I choose

PDF to the book:
Use this link: Treasure Island (page 268)